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Hi, I'm Deanil Vicente. Welcome to my page!

I'm currently working as a programmer and system developer. I do create windows, mobile and web apps. I have a passion when it comes to technologies and innovations. I'm also active in sharing my knowledge and skills as a community technical resource speaker in some universities and organizations here in the Philippines.

Because of my passion for sharing and contributing to the community, I was nominated and received an award as one of the Microsoft MVPs (Most Valuable Professionals). I'm still an active Microsoft MVP in the Philippines until now.
This award is given to exceptional technical community leaders who share their remarkable passion, real-world knowledge, and technical expertise with others through demonstration of exemplary commitment. We appreciate your outstanding contributions in the Visual Studio and Development Technologies technical communities during the past year.

I'm one of the authors in Planet Xamarin (Blog Community). It composed of active xamarin bloggers around the world.
In my free time, I usually play logical games, learning new things and exploring different things. I like to travel and take some photos and videos. Simply, I'm just a normal adventurer who seeks a lot of different adventures. (Oh, Come on! we only live once right? :p) Follow me on my IG Account

By the way, when it comes to drinks? I don't drink coffee and I already stopped that for almost 2 years but I'm addicted to hot tea. I don't drink alcoholic beverage except for wine. In Addition, I like milk and fruit juice too.

I'm a simple programmer but my dreams are extraordinary :)

Personal Quotes & Insights

"Success is like climbing a ladder. It's simple, you need to take an extra effort. ;) " Mark Deanil Vicente
"Defining success is not just theoretically but strategically" Mark Deanil Vicente
"Dreaming is the first step, don't stay on the first step, but instead innovate yourself." Mark Deanil Vicente
"Test yourself if you're ready or not. There's a time when that you have to walk, run or even leap, but it all comes with decision and perfect timing." Mark Deanil Vicente
"Letting the negative thoughts play around your mind is like a small fire waiting to start a wild fire." Mark Deanil Vicente
"Knowing your career path is like knowing who will be your wife or husband. You should think many times before you decide." Mark Deanil Vicente
"Constructive and Destructive Criticisms. What we usually pick? As a leader or as a follower, we should remember that every word we say in criticism manner, could be constructive or destructive effect on other people" Mark Deanil Vicente
"Treasure can be stolen, fame can be disappeared, but having a good legacy to someone, is more valuable than any precious things on earth." Mark Deanil Vicente
"It doesn't matter how many times you fall and face failures, as long as your focus on achieving your goals then you'll have it. In the end, when you look back at those times, you'll realize the art of learning through experiences" Mark Deanil Vicente
"When arts take your mind, your mind will compose a lot of masterpiece." Mark Deanil Vicente
"Opportunities are like some people, they come and go. Accept the fact and look for a right one." Mark Deanil Vicente
"Appreciate the art of program execution." Mark Deanil Vicente
"Creating a software is like a jigsaw puzzle. It’s piece by piece procedure." Mark Deanil Vicente
"Never underestimate the power of your "YES" and "NO". It holds your future." Mark Deanil Vicente
"Snail Principle: Being slow is not the real burden if you have the real motivation to stay on the track of moving on." Mark Deanil Vicente
"Defeats and disappointments are exercised to have more patience and perseverance." Mark Deanil Vicente
"Don't get upset if things don't work the way you wanted. Keeping yourself peaceful while waiting, is the right attitude." Mark Deanil Vicente
"Learning is investing not wasting" Mark Deanil Vicente
"Do not despise the small and humble beginning because it is where you can make the significant difference." Mark Deanil Vicente
"Words are powerful, it can express love or hate, lift or let somebody down, even build or destroy empires." Mark Deanil Vicente

Let's Communicate

Send me an email @ 📧. By the way, I'm looking for a new job! You can contact me via email. :)))